Elch & Rentierfarm Th.Golz

You can also take an internship with us and they will be with us Qualified to moose and reindeer breeders. Register at simply by mail. 

Vous pouvez également effectuer un stage avec nous et ils seront avec nous qualifiés pour l'orignal et éleveurs de rennes. Inscrivez-vous à tout simplement par courrier.

Moose breeding

    I started with the Moos breeding  2006 and have learned at this time to deal with moose. If you want the Beginning Moos breeding should note the following.



Nils our orphan 2010


Lilly and Nils enjoy the first rays of the sun


  Please do not be evil, but moose is not in the hands of beginners. There are as with the wild animal breeding problems sometimes.

If you are a Moose
enclosure planning must consider the following first such as moose live in the wild? What moose eat what really need to get the moose enclosure feel . A moose needs min. 5000m ² and two they need at least, even if it's really a loner.

     Minimum area for elk (it can never be too big)
          - so they need at least 1 ha (better than 2 ha) for two moose to keep
      Fencing for Elk
         - Tornado Wire otherwise at least 2.20 m high, the height is such that a moose in a stressful situation can not jump over it.




Moose test for Tornado Wire


Lilly has spring fever, o)))



  • Go enclosure undertaking:
             -  Not sufficient forage monocultures
            -  always fresh water, 50 l float potions in 1.20 m height
             - Swimming feasible if
            -  3m x 4m shelter as wind and weather protection



Lasse go swim , o))


with the Moose swim ;o)))



  •      Feeding
           -  We feed our elk daily with 2 kg of carrots and bruised with 4 kg of oats and broken Renfors 300g per 100g of corn Moose
            - Continue to get our moose every 2 week a hanger with willow for peeling the bark and of course to eat
             - Fresh water permanently available (float potions)
             - Salt and mineral lick



Every week we get fresh moose wood and leaves






Elch und Rentierfarm /Moose & Reindeerfarm  |  Moose & Reindeerfarm Update 11.02.2019
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